Arden launches the new Modal Content Analyser CMC-1550
We are excited to announce the launch of our latest product, the CMC-1550 Modal Content Analyser, which helps unlock the
Measures the modal characteristics of each individual mode in few-mode fibers and hollow core fibers which have complicated fiber structures.
Consisting of two different units – a launch unit and a receiver unit, the CMC-1550 employs the spatially and spectrally resolved imaging (S2) technique to identify and characterise the fiber's individual mode, estimate its mode-dependent propagation loss, and assess its mode coupling effects. The CMC-1550 obtains the Differential Group Delay (DGD) for each propagation mode and the relative intensity (or Multipath Interference (MPI)), compared to the most excited mode.
It provides a comprehensive understanding of the individual mode characteristics and their interactions within the fiber, helps to reconstruct the propagation mode profiles and phases of the guided modes of the fiber under test.
We are excited to announce the launch of our latest product, the CMC-1550 Modal Content Analyser, which helps unlock the
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Email: enquiries@ardenphotonics.com
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