Measuring Fiber Geometry with Arden’s Refractive Index Profiler nPA-600
If you are looking for a refractive index profiler to characterise and validate your specialty fibers, you should look no
It is the complete solution for measuring the dimensions of standard and specialty fiber in both production and R&D environments, measuring fibers up to 800 µm in diameter.
The FGC uses a Darkfield Imaging system which gives a clear image of the fiber end face, and with our high quality optics and camera users are able to measure the widest range of fibers, from standard fibers to specialty fibers. The system is supported by both NPL in the UK and NIST in the USA.
The FGC software allows users to quickly and easily get both core and cladding geometry measurements including diameter, non-circularity and concentricity. The software contains measurement templates for all standard telecoms fibers. Users can also create their own templates and measure many special fiber types including dual clad fiber, bend insensitive fiber, multicore fiber, polarisation maintaining fiber and many more.
If you are looking for a refractive index profiler to characterise and validate your specialty fibers, you should look no
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Royston House, 267 Cranmore Boulevard, Solihull, B90 4QT
Tel: +44 (0) 121 733 7721
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Tel: +1 (727) 504-8748
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