Arden Fiber Rotational Aligner Launched for Precise Fiber Alignment before Splicing

Fiber Rotational Aligner

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We proudly announce the introduction of our groundbreaking product category, the Fiber Rotational Alignment System. The FRA Fiber Rotational Aligner is designed to assist optical fiber researchers and specialty fiber manufacturers in achieving precise alignment of cores and other elements of their fibers with intricate structures prior to splicing. This breakthrough innovation ensures optimal optical fiber and fiber laser system performance.

David Robinson, CEO and founder of Arden Photonics Limited, highlighted the importance of this launch, stating, “The Fiber Rotational Aligner System addresses a critical and costly challenge faced by specialty fiber manufacturers – reduced data transmission during the splicing of fibers with intricate features such as hollow core fibers, multi core fibers and polarisation maintaining fibers.  Low-loss splicing is a critical process in ensuring the performance of an optical fiber network.  Drawing upon our extensive expertise in optical fiber measurement solutions, including fiber geometry measurement and interferometric end-face inspection, we have developed a solution that not only facilitates fiber structure rotational alignment before splicing but also ensures user-friendly accessibility and operation. Our solution empowers manufacturers to maintain the quality of their spliced fibers, minimising data loss and ensuring superior splicing quality. We anticipate that more specialty fiber manufacturers will benefit from the precise and customisable rotational fiber alignment offered by our new product, the FRA system.”

The Arden Fiber Rotational Aligner features a built-in high-resolution camera and an extra-large LED screen, allowing users to rotate the fiber and monitor the fiber’s rotational angle in real-time, thereby ensuring precise alignment before splicing with another fiber.  The fiber aligner is specifically designed to work with a wide range of fiber types and fiber sizes before splicing.  Both the instrument and its production-ready software can be customised to meet various fiber rotational alignment measurement requirements.

If you would like to find out more about this product or have any bespoke optical fiber measurement requirements, please reach out to our team of dedicated optical fiber measurement specialists.

To find out more about Arden’s Fiber Rotational Aligner, please download the FRA’s datasheet.

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