Measuring Fiber Geometry with Arden’s Refractive Index Profiler nPA-600
If you are looking for a refractive index profiler to characterise and validate your specialty fibers, you should look no
Measure refractive index of optical fibers up to 600 µm in seconds!
The nPA-600 Refractive Index Profiler is the quick and easy way to get the Refractive Index data you need to verify your specialty fiber design and manufacturing processes.
The nPA-600 uses a modified refracted near-field technique to analyse a fiber end-face to determine the full 2D refractive index distribution.
It comes with the nPA v3.0 software which boosts system performance, improves user experience, and the API allows the nPA-600 to integrate to other systems seamlessly.
Optional plug-ins enable new functionalities such as measuring the geometry of single-mode and PM fibers.
If you are looking for a refractive index profiler to characterise and validate your specialty fibers, you should look no
Arden’s refractive index profiler nPA-600 is renowned as one of the quickest, most compact, and easiest-to-use refractive index profilers in
The Laser Component and Fibres Group at The University of Hannover in Germany is working hard to develop better optical
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